
Sell your own product Via Net ======= If there is one thing I learned is trying to make money online, it is this: you will succeed if you have your own unique product ... This may be your own e-books, and even tangible product that you think might sell well on the Internet. As you probably know, is that information sells best online. Do you have unique information or a specific area of expertise? Even if you answered "yes", you should also ask ourselves flyff penyathe question: Is there a market for my product line / service? Otherwise, you can be the date specified amount of time, money and effort on a small profit. Let us assume that at the same time: 1. Find your product: It was difficult with this one. I was not actually an expert in anything. For me the "expert" is a person who knows the subject so well that he could teach or publish a book on the subject. There are many so-called "marketing gurus" on the Internet. Most of these guys were just lucky to have a vision that the Internet as a place where they could sell. I wish I started back in 1995 or 1996. You'll notice that most of the 'big' names in online marketing has started then. Timing is everything ... Ask yourself: what do you know better than anyone else? What can you offer in the network, which will be useful for a specific group of customers? Can you do things with your hands or with tools? buy flyff goldYou can write well? What are you doing on the Net? Can any of this experience will be transferred to the Internet? As mentioned above, the popular online information item today. He will probably stay this way for the foreseeable future. 2. Keep the survey: Hopefully, you already have a newsletter subscribers or a certain selection in the list. If so, you can simply send a survey to each of them. It is very simple, just a yes or no answers. Ideally, they will be able to click "yes" and another reference to "no." Try not to ask for more than five questions. Keep your language simple. Many of my newsletter subscribers from outside the United States. If you just start, you can find the ezine, which relates to your product or service. Then write ezine publisher and tell them what you need. It may allow you to run your survey in your ezine, charging you the cost of his ads. It can even help you with formatting. Best of all, he can send it to each of its subscribers as a single ad. They may think that he offers a survey. They will be much more likely to answer the review, which appeared to be from a publisher, someone they know and trust. If you are lucky, you get the answers to come to a logical conclusion. You need at least 25 (the minimum). If you do not receive at least this much, try another ezine. Once you have all your answersMaple Story Mesos together throw any very different answers. Here's another way to do the same. Start your own ezine and advertise it in one of those "paid subscribers" places (eg, newslettersforfree.com). You can pay as low as 0.16/subscriber. If you do this, make sure that the description is an accurate and interesting. This is certainly the fastest way to build a double right to choose in the list. Another thing, do not forget to tell ListBot Topica or sponsor your newletter. This is only about $ 100/year, but it is well worth it. 3. The cost of your goods / services: If you ask how many people will be willing to pay for their products, and the majority of responses in the range $ 50 - $ 60, this number could be trusted. You have to throw two guys willing to pay $ 80 and $ 100, and three people who will pay only $ 25, $ 30 and $ 35. In five of these divergent views, I am with you there are at least 20 people are willing to pay $ 50 - $ 60 for your product / service. 4. Design a web page: Now is the time to think about your web design. If you are not artistic at all, I would like to encourage you to employ a reasonably priced web designers. Saying "first and foremost important thing is even more important on the Internet. My site was very simple and unexciting, and that the" improvised "Look for them. Do yourself favor and hire a professional when you are ready. 5. Market your products on our site: Think about how best to do it. It is not only a search engine. Look at the specific ezines whose subscribers might be interested in your products. For example, if you offer a doll house for sale (which you do), advertising on the dollhouse dollhouse ezines and websites. You can find the most "can buy" customers in these locations

