
With a young and tender age, her doctor said that they Patti Wilson was an epileptic. Her father, Jim Wilson, is a morning jogger. One day she smiled through her braces and said: "Daddy, what I really like to do is with you every day, but I'm afraid I have a seizure." Her father told her: "If you do this, I know how to handle it, so let's start!" That is exactly what they have every day. It was a wonderful experience for them to share, and there were no seizures, whilewow gold it is running. After a few weeks, she told her father, "Dad, what I really love to do, the world's long-distance running record for women." Her father checked the Guinness Book of World Records and found that the farthest any woman had was 80 miles. As a freshman in high school, Patti announced, "I go to Orange County to San Francisco." (A distance of 400 miles.) "As a student," she continued, "I'm going to find Portland, Oregon." (More than 1500 miles.) "As a junior I'm in St. Louis." (Approx. 2000 miles) "As a senior I'll run the White House." (More than 3000 miles away.) With regard to their handicap, Patti was as ambitious as it was enthusiastic, but she said she looked at the disability, an epileptic as simply "abuy wow gold disadvantage." It focuses not on what they had lost, but on what they had left. This year, they run in San Francisco wearing a T-shirt reading "I Love epileptics." Her father ran each mile at her side, and her mother, a nurse, followed in a mobile home behind them in case anything went wrong. In their pupils year, Patti classmates behind her. They built a giant poster reading "Run, Patti, Run!" (This has since become her motto and the title of a book she has written.) On her second marathon, on the way to Portland, she fractured bones in her foot. A doctor told her to stop its course. He said: "I had a cast on the ankle so that you can not separate permanent damage." "Doc, you do not understand," she said. "This is not just a whim of mine, it's a magnificent obsession, I'm not only for me, I make wow power leveling it to the chains on the heads, which so many others. Is there any way I can run? "He gave her an option. He could be in the adhesive process, rather than in a cast. He warned them that it's incredibly painful, and he told her, "It will blister." She said the doctor, wrap it up. She completed the run to Portland, her last mile with the governor of Oregon. You may have to the headlines: "Super Runner, Patti Wilson at the end of the marathon for epilepsy on her 17th birthday." After four months of almost continuously from west coast to the East Coast, Patti arrived in Washington and shook the hand of the President of the United States. She told him, "I wanted people to know that epileptics are normal people with normal lives." CINDERELLA-the true story By Yvonne Augustin I am sure you have all heard the story of Cinderella. You know the beautiful girl with the two sisters means, step, and wicked wow gold step-mother. Now you already know the end, the beautiful girl who marries the beautiful prince, and they live happily ever after. Well, that was the fairy tale that is the true story. My name is Oscar, and I'm a mouse. I am not associated with Mickey, Minnie, Mighty, or, (although it is a small resemblance to that super-hero Mighty Mouse). I live in the attic in Cinderella's house. One can say that Cindy and I were roommates. When she was young, and her father still lived, we had a nice room in the basement. But after her father died, she was in the attic. I of course, because I knew it would be my company. And they need me. At first, she thought of me as just a common ordinary mouse. Night after night they throw me crumbs. (I thought it was very nice). Then one night, after her step-mother the door, she began to cry. I climbed on Cindy's lap. She spoke to me and gave me my name. I thought at the time, was a Nerdy name "Oscar", but I am used to it now. I even kind of like it. Every day, I saw Cindy working sooo hard. Finally one day, quite by chance, I found a way to help her. You see, her step-sisters were ordering her around, and they made her cry. Cindy cried a lot. (Did I never knew a girl could be so much water!). Anyway, I ran to Cindy and she saw me. Boy, you should have seen it clear the room!. Faster than a speeding bullet - it almost broke her neck when she ran screaming from the room. You have heard it! "Eeeek ... a mouse!", "Mother!", "Help !!!". Cindy and I laughed so hard. It was a really good time. Then was the time when I hid on a plate of food, for Cindy's step-mother. When she saw me, first she fainted, then she had three days of hysteria!. Three days of peace!, That was really nice!. The only other person who is not afraid ofwow gold me was Esmerelda. She was Cindy's Fairy God-mother. We called it Essien short. It appeared only on the day of the big ball. Poor Cindy were ragged waiting for the step-sisters, trying to do the impossible, and they .. not nice .. but only presentable. I mean, they were sooo ugly ... it was not skin deep, it was all the way to the bone!. Anyway, Cindy spoke to me in the garden, where such strange looking woman came through the gate. Most people think they are magical in a beautiful white light, but they are not. They went to the yard with a brown Foodtown shopping bag in his hand. I thought she was here for a hand-out. Cindy must have thought the same thing because they have a glass of milk and cookies. They did not look like a fairy tale God-mother, either. Their clothing was torn, her shoes had holes, and the hair ... Now, let's say I have a better hair-do on a horse, I have to know. I mean, this tale of mother God saw how they need a fairy god-mother. I was to say something like "Hit the road" when Essien Cindy asked why they do not prepare for the ball. Cindy told her she had no clothing or transportation. Good!, Faster than you could say, "the rat ate the cheese," the old woman comes in her pocket and pulls the most beautiful blue ball gown you've ever seen!. It was royal blue, with small white stars, and it was only Cindy size!. Then, she reached into her bag again and pulled out a white evening bag, a silver crown, and the famous glass slippers. (I had to get my head, while the unmentionables.) Cindy then said go, and go change their clothes, while she sees what can be done about the transport. I told her to call a taxi, but she said: "One does not lead to a King's palace in a taxi or rent a car!". Anyway, while I'm on the lookout for something to use, the girl goes into the pocket again and pulls a small cart. It was just about my size. You set it on the ground, and darned if the thing does not start to grow!. I voted for the cover. When the bus finally stopped growing, it was exactly the right thing for Cindy. The wonders of modern science! Right then Essien called me, and .. like a dumb-dumb, I did. Before I knew what I was, I had four hooves and a tail. Seeing my alarm, Essien assured me it was only temporary. I have nothing against it, a small sacrifice for the cause (but I hate oats!). At this point, Cindy appeared, and she was looking hot!. (I even tried to whistle, but it came a whinny). Cindy has over the bus and then we all realized the girl had forgotten one thing ... Driver. So she grabbed a frog hopping through the garden, and placed him in a driver. If you ask me, we have a lot of time if they just made him a prince instead. You are always there, that in other tales, but noooooo, we had things the hard way. Cindy was a smash at the ball. The prince was quite enthusiastic. At midnight, they went to a cold drink of lemonade when Cindy's dress to come apart. Good!, It did not take a genius to figure out that they prefer you. So she took out with the prince on their way. . Fortunately, he was clumsy, and he stumbled. That Cindy had just enough time to jump on the bus and leave the park. About half-way home the coach shrank so small that Cindy had to get out and go. It was then when she realized she had lost a shoe. Hobbling home on a shoe is not a joke!. All night long, Cindy talked about the prince, the ball, and had a great time. It was like her tongue stuck by a phonograph needle. Finally, Essien and left about 4:30, mumbling something about creating a monster. Cindy wore around clock at 6.00. It was a good thing, the "steps" slept late morning, Cindy or not all have to sleep all!. Later that afternoon, the word came about the cheese-wine. The prince would be a search for the love of his life tomorrow. He was in love at the ball last night with a young lady he knew only by a slipper she left behind. I was so excited to hear this news, I went immediately to say, Cindy. I must say, she has the good news. With just a "Oh, it's nice to hear," she went back to their work. (I was expecting at least one jump for joy!) The next day, the prince came to our house and the "steps" (including her mother!), The all tried to adapt their size 10 feet in these slippers size 4. It is a wonder that the poor do not break slippers!. Cindy was locked in the garden and had no chance to try on the slipper. That is when I turn the day. When the prince in his coach, I ran under the horses hooves. The animals were so stupid, afraid of a little mouse, she just ran through the garden gate, nearly trampling Cindy in the process. It is a good thing that the girl is the light on your feet!. The prince was so apologetic it at least ten minutes before he realized the girl had not tried on the slipper. Well ... We all know the end. She tried it on, it fits like a glove, and they lived happily ever after. So that the next time you hear the story of Cinderella, remember, you heard the real story here first ... a little gray mouse named Oscar.

