
Scanning the brain of people in love is also helping to improve the scientific understanding of love in various forms. Helen Fisher, a researcher at Rutgers University, and author ofdofus kamas new book on love *, suggests it comes in three flavors: lust, romantic love and long-term investments. There is some overlap, but in fact it is a separate phenomenon in their own emotional and motivational systems, and related chemicals. These systems have evolved to, respectively, mating, pair-bonding and parenting. Lust, of course, involves the desire for sex. Jim Pfaus, a psychologist at Concordia University of Montreal, said after the lustful sex is similar to the condition caused by taking opiates. Heady mix of chemical changes occurs, including the raising of serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and endogenous opioids (the body natural equivalent of heroin). "This may serve many functions, to relax the body, causing pleasure and satiety, and may cause bonding to the very features that one just experienced all this," says Dr Pfaus. Then there is attraction, orkamas dofus the state when in love (sometimes known as romantic or obsessive love). This clarification just lust that allows people at home especially math. This condition is characterized by a sense of joyous, and intrusive, obsessive thoughts about the object of his love. Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neurochemical characteristics with the manic phase of manic depression. Dr. Fisher work, however, suggest that the actual behavior of those who love, for example, is trying to cause a reciprocal responses to resemble your favorite obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This raises the question of whether it is possible to "treat" this romantic state clinically, as can be done with OCD. The parents of any love-besotted teenager might want to know the answer. Dr Fisher suggests, perhaps, indeed, can inhibit feelings of romantic love, but only in its early stages. OCD is characterized by low levels of chemical called serotonin. Drugs such as Prozac work by keeping serotonin hanging around in the brain longer than usual, so that they could have prevented the romantic feelings. (This also means that people taking anti-depressants may be threatening their ability to fall in love.) But since romantic love begins in earnest, it is one of the strongest drives on Earth. Dr Fischer said that there seemed to be more powerful than hunger. There is little serotonin is unlikely to stifle it. Because they are independent, these three systems can work simultaneously, with dangerous results. As Dr Fisher explains: "You may feel a deep commitment to the long-term spouse, while you feel romantic love for another, while you might think that the sex drive in situations unrelated to any of the partners. " This independence means that you can love more than one person at a time, a situation that leads to jealousy, adultery and divorce, although the possibility of promiscuity and polygamy, with the likelihood of extra children, and therefore more interested in the genetic future, that those whose conduct brings. As noted by Dr. Fisher: "We were not built to be happy but to reproduce." Stages of love vary somewhat between the sexes. Lust, for example, is aroused more easily through a visual stimulus for men than for women. This is probably why visual pornography more and more popular among men. And although both men and women express romantic love with the same intensity, as well as attract partners who are reliable, kind, healthy, smart and educated, there are some notable differences in their choice. Men are more attracted by youth and beauty, while women are more attracted by money, education and position. When older, ugly man seen walking down the road by hand with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume a person is rich or powerful. Of course, love is more than just genes. Cultural and social factors, as well as training, play a big role. Who and how people loved in the past are important determinants of his (or her) capacity to fall in love at any given moment and in the future. This is because animals-people included-learn lessons from its sexual and social experience. Excitation occurs naturally. However, long-term success in mating requires a change from naive about this state, knowing the precise factors that lead to the initiation of reward from sex, love and affection. For some people this may be due flowers, chocolate and sweet words. But these things are learned. If a person has been conditioned by their experiences, this may be the reason why some people tend to date the same "type" partner again and again. The researchers think people develop a "love map" as they grow, a plan that contains a lot of things that they learned attractive. These internal indicators is that people use to assess the suitability of mates. Nevertheless, the idea that people are actually born in the particular type of "soul" are set to their desires is wrong. Studies on the choice of partner made by identical twins show that the development of love maps takes time, and has a strong random component. Work on rats led researchers such as Dr Pfaus to wonder whether the pattern found attractive features of a person is formed during a critical period of sexual development. He said that even in animals that are not intended for the pair-bond, such as rats, these features may get fixed with the experience of sexual reward. Rats can be conditioned to prefer certain types of partners, for example by pairing sexual reward with some lines, such as the scent of lemon-member the opposite sex. This work may contribute to the understanding of unusual sexual preferences. Human fetishes, for example, develop early, and almost impossible to change. Fetishist connects objects such as feet, shoes, soft toys and even balloons, that have a visual association with childhood sexual experiences, to sexual gratification. So love, in all its glory, just seems to chemical state with genetic roots and environmental influences. But all this work leads to other issues. If scientists can make a more sociable mouse, might be possible to create a more sociable human? And what about the more loving one? Some people even think that "paradise-engineering", dedicated to the abolition of the "biological substrates of human suffering", is quite good. Progress in predicting the outcome of relationships, as well as information about the genetic roots of fidelity, might also be requested to make a marriage more like a job application, related to medical, genetic and psychological checks. If it were reliable enough, would insurers cover for divorce? And as brain scanners become cheaper and more widely available, they can move from a research tool that anyone can use to determine how well they were loved. Will the future bring answers to questions such as: your partner really love you? Is your husband lusting after the au pair? Then there medication. Dr. Fisher Despite the reservations, they can also help people to love, or perhaps fix broken relationships? Probably not. Dr Pfaus says that drugs may enhance the "experience of love", but not in a position to do all the work because of their specificity. dofus kamasAnd if a few fall out of love, drugs are unlikely to help either. Dr Fisher does not believe that the brain could overlook distaste for someone, even if the couple in trouble could inject themselves with huge dopamine. Nevertheless, it seems that the administering serotonin can help someone get over a bad novel quickly. It also suggests that you can cheat the brain to the sense of romantic love in long-term relationships, making new things with your partner. Any arousing activity leads dofamina level and therefore can cause a sense of romance as a side effect. This is why holidays can inflame passions. Romantics, of course, always know that love is a special sort of chemistry. Scientists are now beginning to show how this is true.

