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Well a friend 活得累because people are very careful of other people on the eyes, we are living for themselves, but the yardstick to measure others. To know that you know you活得很累been very tired and you like to become scars. I never saw a person like you to live that kind of despair, when a person can not be found when life love you can imagine how life is gray. I never said you did not learn to open up, never learned to mind their own holidays, even if only a very short period of time. You have seen through this world, because you do not try to pressure them to establish their burden in my heart? The day is a day you said you were dead Do not ask me to be surprised, it is clear that I am not, because each of us, the end is inevitable death. Only one of more than 20 years of age to commit suicide, many people feel sad! I am not saying that I have nothing now, human life is the greatest wealth. You have to know how many people in the world are looking forward to this as we are alive and healthy. Are and how many times you say, love is just a part of life, career, family, friendship is also an important part of life. It has always been mixed half life, you win some and lose not only proud of his life, and nobody will be lost without. Qian gain bad fortune, to be very frank look at the gains and losses, which lost the effort that you will not come back, but should be valued. Did you know? When you said that only the world of money, I'm really dumbfounded by. I feel very sad, I do not know when his soul in such a distortion. I know I can not convince you, because no money is also a sad day. I have many friends and no money, but they still live happily. Gentleman love of money and should be in a good way, there are degrees Used! If you are a hands through his hard work and wealth, then obviously I will bless. Never say you do not I write the diary, in fact, some of my own is not required, because many of them are written by my feelings. Have you heard Hatoyama drink only drink? If a person lives in real life disappointments in the network would seek the spirit of consolation, and this is the only drink beverage Hatoyama. Neither the network to find the so-called well-being of those places, things are lotr goldfalse network, and left the computer, it is nothing, you should be even more down-to-earth life. When no one will be disappointed not to sell themselves when frustrated, all must be responsible for their own actions. Decades of life is the time, I do not want to see when you look back when we come to understand that young people a lot of things wrong. Life should not be the wrong choice for their own members to flyff penyafind the mouth, but should reflect on his years in evil, you will have the opportunity to choose once you've chosen the wrong path? Life was never a lack of sunlight, lack of experience is the heart of the sun! Put your hand grudges, you'll find the world is full of sunshine!


A few sunny days, surging current Look for other people in the novel, much is to look at the lives of others. Especially those who write high school,Runescape money secondary school life in the novel, which the masters, so long as the name for you, you can see in real life, the author of the trajectory. Watching someone's life, remember only remember the past and there would also be valid for the performance of their own ideas and understand their own values, can still do it their own look, its love for its own account . Memories of those sunny days, everyone is so real, like the beryl crystal crisp grapes. Contacts are still very simple things, will go to an item of clothing or no affection. Now think about how much is this so? However, sunny days, or there will be clouds floating in the sky. In some cases, will cover the earth brings sunny delight. Junior High School, where his class position,flyff money a weekly rotation. But some teachers favor a comparison between the students, but they may have a place to sit and enjoy the best treatment. A student to request the mobilization of the location, but agreed to postpone a teacher, because it is a table of the most hated person in your class. One day, during school time, I heard a person of his position in the back crying. eve iskThe voice calling birds and birds of a bee through a series of hills, I heard it is a kind of despair can not go home. Shortly after, she transferred schools, I did not because she was quietly one of the following. She was forced to go. I won all the way to the post曲廊, hair wet, wet clothes. I only know that the float for a long time, rain. Then, the class change to a number of children of the city, the girls have a beautiful dress, but not like them. They are also aware of the situation, and nobody is willing to change. Sometimes they heard threw the notebook at the back.哗哗of paper from a notebook ring. Students sitting behind us and said that the EverQuest 2 platboys in the paper mass. Later, students outside the classroom said they were in town, was expelled from school. Thus, female students used to describe a word that贱货----. I know it is not, a fact that I was very impressed with the left. Third, they are one of the girls pregnant. It was rumored that the old class that received the report, saying that students in schools outside the housing. That day, the old classes with several teachers to investigate, when found in the open, it is red and the body of a boy lying in bed. That boy is our second class. Close your eyes, it also reminds mebuy ffxi gil that girls like, dark red shirt, a gold wire above. Bowed her head, comb your hair is still very elegant. She and we are following the same session. I have never seen the girl, an old class of the school forced his retirement. Second, the teacher is speaking slowly in a low voice to remind some. This matter to me, seems to be an earthquake. At that time did not pass the physical health class, the only thing I know is thatbuy wow gold children come from the stomach, but only things of his aunt, as can be dragged to see them. She was on the podium, and, like us, but it is so different from his body, one life in slow growth. Pregnancy as humiliating vocabulary, so I can not stand it. With a different class of boys looked at her face, but they gave me the impression of a unified: dangerous. Girls not to go, she never lived in our morality. She looked up, or not worry about other people's contempt. She did not expect the love and affection of the students. However, teachers are determined to leave her, no matter how she cried and begged for. Classes face the righteous old man said that would affect the other students in his class, which is a trend, but also a moral issue. The speculation about what the girls a lot of heated discussions. But in this whole saga, the most silent, the less attractive is that the boys had. He looked at it, personally experienced it, but it all so strange. What surprised me the teachers seem toRunescape Money have forgotten him, as if that day is not to see it, or it is a mistake, however careless negligence, there is need for strong criticism. I was thinking, she was left without. This question, which is a弱女子means that it takes all the responsibility? Soon after, the city for different reasons the students did. Later, I see, she was not pregnant, and she is not having to leave our school are not related. To deal with the teachers, then I began to fear that, in equilibrium, or there is a function of the weak. Yes, but how to ensure their own interests. They are two people who made a mistake, the girls who did well, she died, a difference can be reduced to: the boys were very good, he left behind, the class of gifted students has not been reduced resources. In general, this class is a very favorable position. The end of that time, teachers beaming back the first of the awards. He is the biggest winner. However, the word pregnant, pressure in my heart, so I started a new round of anger and fear of men. I looked for his body, only that they have more fear and suffering. Several times during the night, his face Runescape Power levelingdeeply buried in the crook of the arm on its own, immersed in the warm arms of their own. There are many in this world of injustice, there is so much humiliation. Even in books or in our hearts desired, because the purity of things, but in the face suddenly twisted off. In other words pure heart, is doomed to suffer more losses. Later, I discovered at that time, my heart would have turned a flower, but the well clutching his hug, because blood has become pale, thin,伏倒dying on the ground. For the feelings of nostalgia, suddenly turned into a terrible, evil cross, was in the back
Ever Total write something, but do not bother Runescape goldto write, I do not know why, can not find the feeling was. Have feelings, as if the first is only a second and then the real, real people have to cry, I take your hand, but can not raise his arm. A dream? It is the magic? In my mind occupied, and each time the wave, trying to expel him was a deep memory. Just not think about it, you always comes out inadvertently in his eyes, looked fondly of you who are familiar withbuy flyff gold the case said. They were far from me, because that is hanging on the side? Weak heart, has been fragmented, it can never be brought back the reasons for the strong cast. Person's body is the bearer of the spirit, the flesh of the spirit of all, the most heard is not true, see, but perceived by the soul. Close your eyes, are static, the spinning in my mind is the deepest spiritual thoughts, desires, and you want more. Hearts of Love has been exhausted, no longer able to arouse the passions. I do not know when, as a real thing, the Maple Story Mesosoriginal心如止水think they no longer float to the surface waves. I should not be vague about a lot of time in the world, the real destination is the real community. The desire to learn to control their own, should not have any emotional control. As it is known that can spark the flames are burning gas, why not at the beginning of burning out? As is well known that there will be no results, Maple Story mesobut also difficult to track and another case, why? I think the self, not the illusory world of the lost time. For me, it is important that education is a positive step forEverQuest 2 gold my career衷爱and the cost of their youth. I close the door heart, cold to the world as unreal随风而去! Because I was younger, brought back the reasons uninhibited!


Scanning the brain of people in love is also helping to improve the scientific understanding of love in various forms. Helen Fisher, a researcher at Rutgers University, and author ofdofus kamas new book on love *, suggests it comes in three flavors: lust, romantic love and long-term investments. There is some overlap, but in fact it is a separate phenomenon in their own emotional and motivational systems, and related chemicals. These systems have evolved to, respectively, mating, pair-bonding and parenting. Lust, of course, involves the desire for sex. Jim Pfaus, a psychologist at Concordia University of Montreal, said after the lustful sex is similar to the condition caused by taking opiates. Heady mix of chemical changes occurs, including the raising of serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and endogenous opioids (the body natural equivalent of heroin). "This may serve many functions, to relax the body, causing pleasure and satiety, and may cause bonding to the very features that one just experienced all this," says Dr Pfaus. Then there is attraction, orkamas dofus the state when in love (sometimes known as romantic or obsessive love). This clarification just lust that allows people at home especially math. This condition is characterized by a sense of joyous, and intrusive, obsessive thoughts about the object of his love. Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neurochemical characteristics with the manic phase of manic depression. Dr. Fisher work, however, suggest that the actual behavior of those who love, for example, is trying to cause a reciprocal responses to resemble your favorite obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This raises the question of whether it is possible to "treat" this romantic state clinically, as can be done with OCD. The parents of any love-besotted teenager might want to know the answer. Dr Fisher suggests, perhaps, indeed, can inhibit feelings of romantic love, but only in its early stages. OCD is characterized by low levels of chemical called serotonin. Drugs such as Prozac work by keeping serotonin hanging around in the brain longer than usual, so that they could have prevented the romantic feelings. (This also means that people taking anti-depressants may be threatening their ability to fall in love.) But since romantic love begins in earnest, it is one of the strongest drives on Earth. Dr Fischer said that there seemed to be more powerful than hunger. There is little serotonin is unlikely to stifle it. Because they are independent, these three systems can work simultaneously, with dangerous results. As Dr Fisher explains: "You may feel a deep commitment to the long-term spouse, while you feel romantic love for another, while you might think that the sex drive in situations unrelated to any of the partners. " This independence means that you can love more than one person at a time, a situation that leads to jealousy, adultery and divorce, although the possibility of promiscuity and polygamy, with the likelihood of extra children, and therefore more interested in the genetic future, that those whose conduct brings. As noted by Dr. Fisher: "We were not built to be happy but to reproduce." Stages of love vary somewhat between the sexes. Lust, for example, is aroused more easily through a visual stimulus for men than for women. This is probably why visual pornography more and more popular among men. And although both men and women express romantic love with the same intensity, as well as attract partners who are reliable, kind, healthy, smart and educated, there are some notable differences in their choice. Men are more attracted by youth and beauty, while women are more attracted by money, education and position. When older, ugly man seen walking down the road by hand with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume a person is rich or powerful. Of course, love is more than just genes. Cultural and social factors, as well as training, play a big role. Who and how people loved in the past are important determinants of his (or her) capacity to fall in love at any given moment and in the future. This is because animals-people included-learn lessons from its sexual and social experience. Excitation occurs naturally. However, long-term success in mating requires a change from naive about this state, knowing the precise factors that lead to the initiation of reward from sex, love and affection. For some people this may be due flowers, chocolate and sweet words. But these things are learned. If a person has been conditioned by their experiences, this may be the reason why some people tend to date the same "type" partner again and again. The researchers think people develop a "love map" as they grow, a plan that contains a lot of things that they learned attractive. These internal indicators is that people use to assess the suitability of mates. Nevertheless, the idea that people are actually born in the particular type of "soul" are set to their desires is wrong. Studies on the choice of partner made by identical twins show that the development of love maps takes time, and has a strong random component. Work on rats led researchers such as Dr Pfaus to wonder whether the pattern found attractive features of a person is formed during a critical period of sexual development. He said that even in animals that are not intended for the pair-bond, such as rats, these features may get fixed with the experience of sexual reward. Rats can be conditioned to prefer certain types of partners, for example by pairing sexual reward with some lines, such as the scent of lemon-member the opposite sex. This work may contribute to the understanding of unusual sexual preferences. Human fetishes, for example, develop early, and almost impossible to change. Fetishist connects objects such as feet, shoes, soft toys and even balloons, that have a visual association with childhood sexual experiences, to sexual gratification. So love, in all its glory, just seems to chemical state with genetic roots and environmental influences. But all this work leads to other issues. If scientists can make a more sociable mouse, might be possible to create a more sociable human? And what about the more loving one? Some people even think that "paradise-engineering", dedicated to the abolition of the "biological substrates of human suffering", is quite good. Progress in predicting the outcome of relationships, as well as information about the genetic roots of fidelity, might also be requested to make a marriage more like a job application, related to medical, genetic and psychological checks. If it were reliable enough, would insurers cover for divorce? And as brain scanners become cheaper and more widely available, they can move from a research tool that anyone can use to determine how well they were loved. Will the future bring answers to questions such as: your partner really love you? Is your husband lusting after the au pair? Then there medication. Dr. Fisher Despite the reservations, they can also help people to love, or perhaps fix broken relationships? Probably not. Dr Pfaus says that drugs may enhance the "experience of love", but not in a position to do all the work because of their specificity. dofus kamasAnd if a few fall out of love, drugs are unlikely to help either. Dr Fisher does not believe that the brain could overlook distaste for someone, even if the couple in trouble could inject themselves with huge dopamine. Nevertheless, it seems that the administering serotonin can help someone get over a bad novel quickly. It also suggests that you can cheat the brain to the sense of romantic love in long-term relationships, making new things with your partner. Any arousing activity leads dofamina level and therefore can cause a sense of romance as a side effect. This is why holidays can inflame passions. Romantics, of course, always know that love is a special sort of chemistry. Scientists are now beginning to show how this is true.
Garnett knee injury ======= Salt Lake City - The Celtics have lost Kevin Garnett on the injured knee at the end of the first half, and disappeared in the stretch against the Jazz, falling, 90-85, last night. Garnett condition will be evaluated today and his status is uncertain for Sunday's game in Phoenix. Garnett strained his right knee going for the alley-OOP at the end of the second quarter and did not play in the second half. Garnett, who received the ball jump on diving for loose ball early in the second quarter, left with 1:08 remaining. Then he hopped on his left foot in the locker room. "He is resting right now," said President Danny Ainge TNT bypass reporter Cheryl Miller at halftime. "This hasRunescape Power levelingbeen bothering him for several weeks." "It's a long season and we're not going to take the risk," said coach Doc Rivers. "I love it there and he probably would have made the difference." Garnett scored 8 points and 2 rebounds in 15 minutes. Celtics (44-12) took the lead in the opening minutes and held out the late first half rally, Jazz squandering a chance to tie as Andrei Kirilenko missed the penalty kick with 0.8 seconds to play. Celtics protected lead despite 4:21 field goal drought in the third quarter. But the Celtics went on another field goal drought in the last quarter, converting only once in 6:44 Span. At this time, Utah capitalized, taking the lead, as Paul Millsap finished the 3-point play off of the bank shot.Runescape Gold This gave Utah 77-76 edge with 5:44 to play - the first jazz lead to 7-6. County Rondo free throw provided the Celtics with a 76-70 lead 4:29 into the quarter. But Matt Harpring hit jump hook, and drew the offensive foul on Paul Pierce. Mehmet Okur Jazz cut the deficit to 2 points, Pierce missed a mismatch against Deron Williams and Millsap scored a memorandum to start against Kendrick Perkins. Celtics Rondo stored in disputes with four consecutive foul shots, his drive anchor points, 82-82, with 4:01 remaining, the team second place with a view to Pierce jumper 1:15 seconds in the quarter. Brian Scalabrine fouled with 3:21 remaining, and Perkins and Leon Powe had already committed their fifth fouls early in the quarter. Pierce had several chances to save the Celtics ahead in the late going. He fired wide against Harpring, and then it was a mismatch against Williams, but missed again - this time jumped Perkins and Celtics called a timeout. But Pierce misfired again and Harpring 15-footer gave the Jazz 85-83 advantage. Ray Allen rolled lefthander from the rim and Williams 16-footer extended the lead to 4. Ronnie Brewer missed a penalty kick to leave Kirilenko free throw clinched the game with six seconds left. Three of Utah in the first 10 shots were blocked as the Celtics set a defensive tone. Utah shot 4 for 21 in the first quarter as the Celtics took a 22-13 lead. But the Celtics also struggled on offense. Eddie House missed a penalty kick with a chance of technical extend Celtics' 11-point lead early in the second quarter. Gabe Pruitt, who replaced Rondo in the middle of the first quarter, was ffxi gil to leave for three consecutive jumpers. Rondo committed his third personal foul shortly after his return in the second quarter and found Allen for the transition 3-pointer and 31-21 lead 5:39 into the quarter. Scalabrine made his first speech after returning from the brain, converting his first shot from 20 feet. With Garnett in the locker room, the Jazz cut Celtics' lead to 37-35 on Brewer transition 3-point play. Perkins dunked 10 seconds later, but jazz halftime cut the deficit to 39-38 on Mehmet Okur and Kirilenko Cart penalty. Scalabrine, playing for the first time since January 25, of Dallas, started the second half in place of Garnett. He hit the 3-pointer at 49-44 lead 2:50 into the half, but committed three violations, and left after five with 8:30 left in the third quarter. Celtics then scored 9 straight points for the 58-47 edge with 6:48 left in the quarter. Celtics completed the quarter with Glen Davis-Powe-Pierce frontcourt, taking 66-60 lead Pierce jumper with 18 seconds to go. Indeed, the Boxee blog, the company said Hulu was the most requested site Boxee users. Last week alone, Boxee received over 100,000 streams on Hulu, according to Boxee. Nevertheless, the company has notified two weeks ago, Hulu content providers who have requested that their content will be removed from Boxee. "We tried (many times) to invoke if the Hulu on Boxee, but on Friday this week, in a spirit of goodwill, we will remove it," the company said.