
Every day I spare one hour of time for the Internet. But recently, I was not concerned about the composition. Sounds bad news. It is important that I should become a habit of essay preparation. In fact it was something special. These days it seems to me a plate. This is an intensive revision for the exam. I made a study in concentration, caused a strong desire to receive the university. Although nothing can hinder me. To get the funds to skip at the same time. I have always used the slogan, I think: life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes with the ease and pleasure. So I will stick to the end regardless of what happens. Repetition is the mother of age conan goldknowledge. It seems that I will repeat repeat and repeat until the knowledge is rooted in the internal memory. I want to learn by heart all night. It seems implausable. "More haste, less speed" is a paradox that you do not understand until you take into account the action. Okay, it's time for dinner. Loneliness will be my faithful company. God bless me, PLZ. At the moment, I felt a bolt from the blue to come to me. You know, I can not grumble before, because I was a lover and his family, even then, I made a fuss of all the events and followed him at all costs, I do not have any scandals him or interfere in his family. In this single day, as I have suffered pain and torment. I can not Rashe single day home.why, that he was so ruthless that I to this lady, this is unfair. Furthermore, hardly incredulous that he divoced with his wife at that lady. In the end, I am upside-down arow to him, we, as separate, so we had no way of stoping the dispute between us. I decided to abandon it. In that difficult, I myself have been locked in a room for three months, and I wept bitter tears constantly. This time, my life is not like a normal person, I do not go out of doors, but did buy a bunch of food writing in the refrigerator. Then, a left that place and came home when my sister saw me, she was statled see me look so thin and do not believe my eyes. I've been in many cities, but when I went, I believe that everything was, and gw goldhis shadow, though I remember it, I have lost my mind. I took it for granted that I phoned him and sent a message in connection with the I cling to the hope that it is possible with him again as well. I was familiar with his wife, and his wife will come to our company before they divorced. Somtimes, I would go to his home, so he told his wife, my staff of office, to hide our relationship. Now, I could not do anything, I had to make a call to his wife. His wife told me he had not returned home after they are divorced at all, except the game with your child every weekend. I was highly upset when I heard the news. I think it is white and do not have any reaction. the fact there were more outside the home. I said I think the scandal, she said, she was too surprised to this.therefor, we begin tracked it. it was too painful for the result. My heart wasbroken and death. and I began to despair of him. True also make me angry, he is not with this girl in the place of the one woman who was 40 years old and divorced yet, and is also the ability and wealth, and gave him money when his business was depressed. so because of divorce on the ladies, not me, two years before. Suddenly one day, I heard his' S cetificate divorce to his car, the facts prove that my colleague gave me a hint at all the time that he was already divorced realed. I asked him where he lived after the divorce. He explained that he preferred to live with his wife as a couple for the purposes to be afraid of the child know that this is the situation in the family, to influence their physical and psychological health. I felt very strange reason, he at one time, so he found me less before.perhaps, he hid for another lady because of his "D, but for an actor in his family than to come to me. If I Guild Wars Goldasked him at that time how he would respond. I reminded him of everday not find the lady. But he assured that he only loves me, this is impossible as the other. However, one day, someone told me that he was well treated with a girl in the shop. While I listend this thing, I lost my temper, and we are with each other. He did not admit his guilt, so we exacerbated by the constantly quarrel as a piece of cake. I was familiar with his wife, and his wife will come to our company before they divorced. Somtimes, I would go to his home, so he told his wife, my staff of office, to hide our relationship. Now, I could not do anything, I had to make a call to his wife. His wife told me he had not returned home after they are divorced at all, except the game with your child every weekend. I was highly upset when I heard the news. I think it is white and do not have any reaction. the fact there were more outside the home. I said I think the scandal, she said, she was too surprised to this.therefor, we begin tracked it. it was too painful for the result. My heart wasbroken and death. and I began to despair of him. True also make me angry, he is not with this girl in the place of the one woman who was 40 years old and divorced yet, and is also the ability and wealth, and gave him money when his business was depressed. so because of divorce on the ladies, not me, two years before.

